Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Colorful Link Hover Hack for Blogger

Today I have come with a really interesting and cool hack . This Hack is about changing Link Hover color with a simple Script. In all Blogs or website you can see only one Link Hover Color. But Here is cool javascript to add more colors to links. Here After I will add blogger hacks to my blog so that you guys can have an idea about that hack.
I Have added this Colorful Link Hover Blogger Hack to my Blog , you can check this hack by hovering your mouse cursor through links.
Colorful Link Hover Hack

In the Image above you can see that a single link is showing nearly 10 colors on Mouse Hover.

How to Add this Colorful Link Hover hack to my Blog ?
Its really very easy . Now Let us see how to add this Colorful Link Hover Hack in Blogger.
First login to your Blog and Navigate to Layout section . There click Edit HTML subtab .
Now search this following code </head> and add the below Javascript above the head section. If you Have any doubt please refer Image below .
<script src=’’/>
ColorFull Link Hover - Blogger hack
That’s it we have successfully Added colorful Link Hover Hack to Blogger .
Troubleshooting :
Sometime you may not see this hack because my Google page account bandwidth may be exceeded . Please upload the javascript to your own google page account.
Featured Post :
Tomorrow I am going to write about Adding Page Navigation Hack , don’t forget to subscribe. Only few blogger blogs have this feature (Mine is also one among them ).
Thanks for reading

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